Specialists of our center will carry out neurodiagnostics and select an individual program of corrective work that best meets the needs of your child.
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Specialists of our center will carry out neurodiagnostics and select an individual program of corrective work that best meets the needs of your child.
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Why early neurodiagnosis is important
Allows early detection of neurological disorders and the development of an appropriate plan of action to overcome them.
Provides an opportunity for early treatment and intervention, which contributes to better outcomes later in life.
Early neurodiagnosis makes it possible to make the most of the child's potential for further development and improvement of his quality of life.
An early intervention program speeds up rehabilitation
The specialist helps the child to develop the necessary skills
During the rehabilitation of the child, the family also receives support
Stages of neurodiagnostics
The doctor conducts an interview with the parents to obtain information about the child's development, symptoms and complaints.
Physical examination
The doctor performs a general physical examination of the child, including assessment of reflexes, muscle tone, coordination, and other aspects of neurological status.
Additional examinations
This may include neuroimaging, neurophysiology, immunology, and other additional tests and procedures to aid in the diagnosis.
Instrumental research methods
These include computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), electroencephalography (EEG) and other brain imaging methods.
Analysis of results and diagnosis
The doctor analyzes all the received data to establish a diagnosis and develop a treatment plan or further actions.
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Methods of neurodiagnostics
Methods of neurodiagnostics
This method is used to assess cognitive abilities and non-verbal intelligence. The test is intended for children aged 3 and over. It allows you to detect not only a delay in neurodevelopment, but also evaluates the intellectual level and determines the potential of the tested person.
The test is conducted by the child performing various tasks that assess such aspects as memory, attention, thinking, speech development and others. The testing process is conducted by a specialist in a specialized office using interactive games and tasks designed for a specific age level of the child.
Cover part of the costs of the rehabilitation program at the expense of the state
Erudite Centre has become a certified medical centre! Now you can cover part of the costs of the rehabilitation program for children with disabilities. The rehabilitation program is covered by the state, according to decree No. 309 dated March 27, 2019, of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
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When should neurodiagnostics be conducted?
When should neurodiagnostics be conducted?
  • Developmental delay: If the child shows a delay in motor development, speech, social skills, or other aspects of development that raises suspicion of neurological problems.
  • Symptoms of neurological disorders: If there are symptoms indicating possible neurological problems, such as epilepsy, muscle weakness, poor coordination, etc.
  • Convulsions: In the presence of convulsions in a child, even in one isolated case, especially under the age of 6 months.
  • Systemic diseases: In case of suspected systemic neurological diseases, such as metabolic, genetic or infectious diseases.
  • Heredity: In cases where there is a family history of neurological diseases or genetic factors that increase the risk of neurological problems.
  • Change in behavior or learning: If there are changes in behavior, learning, or school performance that may be related to neurological problems.
They trust us
Our center receives high reviews from clients who note our professionalism, efficiency and support, at every step of their journey.
I want to thank the entire team at the centre for your hard but necessary work. Thank you for your kind attitude, understanding, and professionalism. We have been to various centres, and in my opinion, the best evaluation of a centre is its results! And we see them. After two weeks of classes, we already notice positive changes in our child. We are very grateful for your help.
Radomir's mother
I very rarely leave reviews. But here I feel compelled because I want every child to be healthy, and I know that they will definitely be helped here. We live in another country. I no longer knew where to turn to get comprehensive help for my child, and at that moment, this centre was recommended to me. Just 1.5 months of intensive therapy, and my child returned home completely changed. I am very grateful to the team—girls and boys, you are the best. Unfortunately, the events in the country are currently sad, but I believe that the day of victory will come soon, and I wish you to continue your important mission as soon as possible.
We came with our child under decree 309, and we immediately called and received very polite and accessible consultation. We had a comprehensive schedule, meaning 4 sessions a day, 5 days a week. We stayed for 3 weeks, and during all these days, we saw significant results and received many tips from specialists that truly helped and continue to help us. All the specialists are simply great and friendly. Our child adapted within about 5 days, and then we gradually saw significant results, such as increased attentiveness and the ability to sit still. Our child had hearing impairments, and we came for rehabilitation after cochlear implantation, meaning he had been hearing for only 2 months before we went to the centre. Immediately after returning home after 3 weeks, our child began active babbling, saying "ma-ma-ma" continuously and also "am-am". Overall, the Erudite Centre gave us a lot in terms of how to move forward and act, and we saw tremendous progress in such a short time! Thank you all so much!
Vladyslav's mother
My beloved godson really enjoys being at your centre. You are amazing and talented. Thank you for finding the strength, patience, and skills to reach out to special children. Thank you for delivering results. It’s a pity that there are so few such centres and that they are expensive. But it’s very good that such centres have started to appear.
Serhiy's mother, 6 years old
A perfectly selected team!! The results of all the specialists' work are visible immediately after 1-2 weeks of daily work. I recommend it to everyone! For children, the results are what matter most.
Valentina's mother, 7 years old
How are the sessions with the neuropsychologist conducted?
Assessment of functional capabilities
  • At the beginning of the lesson, the neuropsychologist assesses the basic functional capabilities of the child, such as speech, memory, attention, coordination of movements and other aspects.
  • Application of various tests and tasks to determine the level of development of cognitive and motor functions.
Development of skills and strategies
A neuropsychologist develops an individual plan for developing specific skills or overcoming difficulties. Classes can include a variety of games, exercises, and tasks aimed at improving cognitive, emotional, and social competencies.
Cooperation with parents and teachers
Sessions may include discussion of issues related to the child's development and the development of individual support plans. This approach contributes to the effective integration of acquired knowledge and strategies into the child's everyday life.
What we recommend
A psychologist can help in the treatment of alalia by providing support to the child and his family, helping to resolve the psychological aspects associated with the speech disorder.
Speech therapist
A speech therapist helps treat alalia by providing individualized speech exercises and therapy aimed at improving pronunciation, understanding, and use of speech skills.
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, osteochondrosis, treatment of ONMK (strokes), craniocerebral injuries.
Classes with a neuropsychologist help the child: cope with disorders of thinking, improve attention and memory, increase interest in learning.
Here you can read frequently asked questions about our inclusive center.
Here you can read frequently asked questions about our inclusive center.
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Kyiv, "Blockbuster" shopping center, S. Bandery Ave., 34V

Kyiv, "Artmall" shopping center, st. Ac. Zabolotny, 37

Kyiv, shopping center COSMO MULTIMALL, str. Vadim Hetman, 6

Kyiv, Sobornosti prospect 19
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Kyiv, "Blockbuster" shopping center, S. Bandery Ave., 34V
Kyiv, "Artmall" shopping center, st. Ac. Zabolotny, 37
Kyiv, shopping center COSMO MULTIMALL, str. Vadim Hetman, 6
Kyiv, Sobornosti prospect 19