Helps the child better understand and process input from the environment, improving behavior regulation, attention, social skills and learning
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Sensory integration
Sensory integration
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Helps the child better understand and process input from the environment, improving behavior regulation, attention, social skills and learning
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Our center specializes in areas of correction
Our center specializes in areas of correction

Autistic spectrum disorders



cerebral palsy
Down syndrome

Asperger's syndrome



How sensory integration works
Assessment of needs and perceptions
The specialist assesses the child's sensitivity and response to various types of sensory stimuli, such as sound, light, temperature and pressure.
Development of an individual therapy plan
Based on the results of the assessment, an individual therapy plan is developed, including various exercises and methods aimed at improving sensory integration.
Performing sensory exercises and therapies
The child is involved in various sensory exercises and therapeutic methods aimed at stimulating and developing different sensory systems.
Progress monitoring and correction
During sensory therapy, the child's progress is constantly monitored, and corrections are made to the therapy plan if necessary.
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Effects of sensory integration
Improving important self-regulation skills
Sensory integration can help a child learn to respond effectively to sensory stimuli and regulate their emotions and behavior.
Increasing attention and concentration
Regular sensory therapy can improve a child's ability to pay attention to information, focus on tasks, and better perceive and process incoming information.
Increasing social skills
Integrating sensory information can help improve communication, develop social skills, and successfully interact with other children and adults.
Dark sensory room
Here, in the world of peace and harmony, children can take a break from external noise, immerse themselves in the world of soft sounds, pleasant light and tactile impressions.

Sensory rooms have been scientifically proven to be extremely beneficial for children with autism, ADHD and those who are easily stressed. It's a place where little personalities can regain balance, improve concentration and improve their sensory skills.
Bright sensory room
The bright room is dominated by daylight and sports equipment for active games and activities.

Classes in the sensory room are the most important part of rehabilitation in the treatment of: psychomotor disorder, adaptation period, delayed language development, neuroses and hyperactive state.
How to speed up the result?
A comprehensive program of classes aimed at the development and restoration of neural connections in the brain.
Classes with a neuropsychologist help the child: cope with disorders of thinking, improve attention and memory, increase interest in learning.
Cover part of the costs of the rehabilitation program at the expense of the state
Erudite Centre has become a certified medical centre! Now you can cover part of the costs of the rehabilitation program for children with disabilities. The rehabilitation program is covered by the state, according to decree No. 309 dated March 27, 2019, of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
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When sensory integration is needed
When sensory integration is needed
  • Sensitivity to sensory stimuli: If a child shows increased sensitivity to certain sensory stimuli, such as sound, light, touch, then this may indicate a need for sensory integration.
  • Movement coordination problems: Children who have movement coordination problems can benefit from sensory integration because it helps improve understanding and control of movements.
  • Developmental Delays: Children with developmental delays often have problems with sensory processing of information, so sensory integration can be beneficial for their later development.
  • Autism spectrum delay: Children on the autistic spectrum often have sensory processing challenges, and sensory integration can help them cope with these challenges.
  • Injuries or surgeries: A child who has had an injury or surgery may need sensory therapy to improve recovery of body functions and motor activity.
  • Learning Delays: Children with learning delays can benefit from sensory integration as it can help improve their ability to focus and understand the world around them.
They trust us
Our center receives high reviews from clients who note our professionalism, efficiency and support, at every step of their journey.
I want to thank the entire team at the centre for your hard but necessary work. Thank you for your kind attitude, understanding, and professionalism. We have been to various centres, and in my opinion, the best evaluation of a centre is its results! And we see them. After two weeks of classes, we already notice positive changes in our child. We are very grateful for your help.
Radomir's mother
I very rarely leave reviews. But here I feel compelled because I want every child to be healthy, and I know that they will definitely be helped here. We live in another country. I no longer knew where to turn to get comprehensive help for my child, and at that moment, this centre was recommended to me. Just 1.5 months of intensive therapy, and my child returned home completely changed. I am very grateful to the team—girls and boys, you are the best. Unfortunately, the events in the country are currently sad, but I believe that the day of victory will come soon, and I wish you to continue your important mission as soon as possible.
We came with our child under decree 309, and we immediately called and received very polite and accessible consultation. We had a comprehensive schedule, meaning 4 sessions a day, 5 days a week. We stayed for 3 weeks, and during all these days, we saw significant results and received many tips from specialists that truly helped and continue to help us. All the specialists are simply great and friendly. Our child adapted within about 5 days, and then we gradually saw significant results, such as increased attentiveness and the ability to sit still. Our child had hearing impairments, and we came for rehabilitation after cochlear implantation, meaning he had been hearing for only 2 months before we went to the centre. Immediately after returning home after 3 weeks, our child began active babbling, saying "ma-ma-ma" continuously and also "am-am". Overall, the Erudite Centre gave us a lot in terms of how to move forward and act, and we saw tremendous progress in such a short time! Thank you all so much!
Vladyslav's mother
My beloved godson really enjoys being at your centre. You are amazing and talented. Thank you for finding the strength, patience, and skills to reach out to special children. Thank you for delivering results. It’s a pity that there are so few such centres and that they are expensive. But it’s very good that such centres have started to appear.
Serhiy's mother, 6 years old
A perfectly selected team!! The results of all the specialists' work are visible immediately after 1-2 weeks of daily work. I recommend it to everyone! For children, the results are what matter most.
Valentina's mother, 7 years old
Contact us
Kyiv, "Blockbuster" shopping center, S. Bandery Ave., 34V

Kyiv, "Artmall" shopping center, st. Ac. Zabolotny, 37

Kyiv, shopping center COSMO MULTIMALL, str. Vadim Hetman, 6

Kyiv, Sobornosti prospect 19
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every day from 09:00 to 18:00
Our centers
Kyiv, "Blockbuster" shopping center, S. Bandery Ave., 34V
Kyiv, "Artmall" shopping center, st. Ac. Zabolotny, 37
Kyiv, shopping center COSMO MULTIMALL, str. Vadim Hetman, 6
Kyiv, Sobornosti prospect 19